During the continued lockdowns all over the globe, many of you will be tightening your belts due to loss of income. One great way to make some savings is to cook up some cheap but filling meals. Of course, you do not have to do this every day but a few times a week it would make sense to eat a little less and save some of your better food for another occasion.
With that in mind, there are a number of great meals that you can enjoy that will not cost much but enable you to have some food in your stomachs.
Vegetable Soup
If you wanted to save some money, why not skip the meat from time to time. Vegetable soup is easy to make, cheap and will certainly help when hunger strikes. The great thing about this dish is that you can throw in whatever vegetables that you can find. There is no fixed recipie so you can use up any veggies before they start to spoil.
Go Omellete Crazy
Omelettes are a great option for a light meal or snack. They are also great as you can throw just about anything into them. You can literally grab any random ingredients from the fridge, add them to your whisked eggs and then cook them up. Chilli peppers, bacon, bread, mushrooms and anything else you can find – just throw them in.
Beans on Toast
A British classic and one that will help you through tough times without costing too much. A simple can of beans heated up and then poured over some crisp toast. Of course, you can throw in your own twist by adding some spices, cheese or whatever else takes your fancy.
Go for a BBQ
Grab your best recipe, get out in the garden and start barbequing Italain style. This is cooking at its most basic but it really does taste great. If you have any meats, fish, burgers or sausages, simply grill them and enjoy. You get to enjoy some air outside and some fantastic food at the same time. If you do not already have an Italain style grill then get one! See atuttagriglia for more info.
Bread Pudding
If you have loaves of bread that have gone stale, do not throw them away as they can still be used. Stale bread is the main ingredient used when making delicious bread pudding. In fact, all you need is stale bread, some eggs milk and brown sugar and you are good to go. To make it even better, throw in some all-purpose cream and some raisins.
Hopefully, we will not have to wait too long before life starts to get back to normal but until then, we have to watch the pennies while still ensuring that our families are eating. This is why you should definitely think about the options above. You can feed your family without spending much money or dipping into some of the better food items in your fried. You could also experiment for yourself to see what else you can come up with.