Inbound Marketing Trend


·       Mobile-First Website Design

The concept of a mobile-first website design isn’t new, but it’s quickly becoming a top priority as a key SEO factor.

Since 2019, Google has indexed all new websites using mobile-first indexing, which means the search engine searches the mobile version of your site rather than the desktop one. It will be more difficult for consumers to locate your website if it does not use mobile-first layout. So, if you are looking for a good digital marketing institute in Pune or Mumbai that provides courses then you can definitely check these blogs; best digital marketing course in Pune and the best digital marketing institute in Mumbai.

Designing for mobile devices is still essential for a good user experience.

As per eMarketer data, the number of individuals who made purchases using their mobile phones (also known as ecommerce) climbed by 15% from 2020 to 2021. According to eMarketer, mobile will be the preferred medium for online purchasing in the next five years. According to BCG study, mobile-friendly content may speed up purchase decisions by up to 20%, reducing the sales cycle by an average of 35 days.

    • Here are a few mobile-first website design best practises to keep in mind:
    • First, think about the visual hierarchy and how information and pictures would stack on a mobile device, and then apply it to your desktop design.
    • Where it makes sense, such as on blog posts or sites with a lot of material, use AMP features.
    • Consider include a clickable table of contents so that users may quickly get to the part that is most important to them.
    • For huge blocks of text, use expandable (accordion) sections (such as FAQs)
  • Make sure your call-to-action buttons have enough colour contrast to stand out.
  • Reduce the amount of pop-up forms you employ, and make sure the ones you do use are easy to use.

·       Using Video to Support the Sales Process

Many B2B products and services are tough to describe in just a few words and with a single image. Users want to know how the solution will help them work smarter, keep their data safe, and keep their workers engaged. Video is a strong interactive website design tool that clearly explains what you have to offer and how it works to consumers.

Many firms’ homepages now feature overview movies, which have become a key initial step in the sales process. These movies should be brief (no more than a minute or two) and expand on your value proposition by providing a quick explanation of why you exist, what you do, and how it helps your clients.

Other videos to consider for your website include:

  • Individual product and service sites have more extensive explanatory videos.
  • On your About Us or Careers page, include a film about your company’s culture.
  • On your Contact Us page, give a brief introduction to someone from your sales staff.

According to the latest data, 87 percent of marketers believe video marketing has a favourable return on investment.

Louis Jones

Greg Jones: Greg's blog posts are known for their clear and concise coverage of economic and financial news. With a background as a financial journalist, he offers readers valuable insights into the complexities of the global economy.