Lawn Fertilizing Services 

Home Improvement

Having a perfect green lawn is not as easy as just watering it. There is no other way of getting the perfect grass health and color than fertilizing it. However, it is not as easy as it sounds getting fertilizer to your lawn.

Each and every lawn has unique fertilization needs. Ordinarily, people think fertilizer is just fertilizer and can work on any kind of grass. This is not true since not all lawns have the same type of grass.  Lawn fertilization experts can assess your lawn and recommend the right nutrients for your lawn. Lawn fertilization experts know the how much to apply, how often and the right kind of fertilizer.

Fertilizing your lawn is one way of making it beautiful, but besides that, you can also incorporate garden ornaments to make it more beautiful. There are several companies that offer garden ornaments for sale. Let us take a look at lawn fertilizing process that you can use to make your lawn more beautiful.

Types of Fertilizer

Over time, your grass requires fertilization since all the nutrients in the soil have been sucked out. Lawn fertilization service will determine the type and amount of nutrients needed. There are different kinds of fertilizer: quick-release, slow-release fertilizer and organic fertilizer.

Quick-release fertilizer shows results quicker since it is made up of synthetic materials. They provide the grass with nitrogen quickly. However, releasing nutrients too quickly leaches and harms the soil. Your lawn fertilizing experts should explain to you this. The results of such fertilizers also last for up to four weeks.

Slow-release fertilizer can be natural or synthetic. The nutrients are released gradually depending on moisture level and temperature. The results will not be felt immediately but has long lasting effects. This type of fertilizer is good for the environment than quick-release at it does not stress the grass or harm the soil.

Organic fertilizer is made up of organic materials. The microbes and fungi slowly break down matter, releasing nutrients to the soil. This kind of fertilizer is made up blood meal, kelp, feather meal, compost, bone meal and bat guano. 

Types of Spreaders

Lawn fertilizing service providers have equipment to apply the fertilizer they have identified as suitable for your lawn. Here is a breakdown of the tools.

We have broadcast or rotary spreaders. These are the most common. The broadcast is pushed to release fertilizer in an overlapping pattern across the grass. They are preferred on large and medium laws are they allow spreading a lot of fertilizer in short period of time.

The second type is hand-held spreaders. These are best used on small lawns. They are usually powered by a battery or cranking and spread fertilizer while you walk. 

Drop spreaders are the used when precision is required. These spreaders are employed on sophisticated landscapes or tighter turns. Unlike broadcast spreaders which spread fertilizer ahead, drop spreaders drop fertilizer directly beneath them while being pushed. 

When and how often to Fertilize

Different types of grass have different times of year in which they need to be fertilized for optimum health and growth. Grasses such as Bermuda grass, zoysia grass and St. Augustine which are warm season grass should be fertilized in spring when they come out winter dormancy.

Different schools of thought have recommendations on how often to fertilize. Some recommend once a year while others twice. Depending on your grass type, your lawn fertilization service company will make recommendations.

Louis Jones

Greg Jones: Greg's blog posts are known for their clear and concise coverage of economic and financial news. With a background as a financial journalist, he offers readers valuable insights into the complexities of the global economy.