When presenting your song to record labels, you should prioritise the benefits it provides listeners over the technical aspects of the song itself. The majority of record labels value discovering new, up-and-coming artists and music that is in line with their mission. Do not send an attachment of your song in an email because it will be difficult for the recipient to listen to it and the email server will likely reject the attachment. Instead, you should supply the label with a private link to your account on Soundcloud or Dropbox. Be sure to familiarise yourself with, and submit your music in accordance with, the record label’s submission criteria.
To begin, locate the appropriate contact at the label. Conduct a search on Google and the other social networking platforms they use to find their email addresses. You should get in touch and submit music to a&r to introduce yourself if you already know someone who works there. When it comes to submitting a demo, personal connections can go a long way. Sending them three separate tracks at the same time is not a good idea; instead, send them just one outstanding track. After that, send a subsequent email to thank them for their time and attention.
Second, keep your tracklist to a minimum. Send your best song first, followed by two other good songs. A maximum of three songs to record labels is acceptable, but more than that is awkward. Most listeners won’t spend the time to hear twelve songs at once, and if they do, the recording quality may detract from the best song. Lastly, avoid sending the same song to several labels. Record labels are busy people, and if they have to listen to twelve songs, that could take up a lot of their valuable time.
If you are mailing a physical CD, the website of the record label may ask you to upload a digital copy of the CD to their server. You also have the option of providing a link to a streaming service. Even though there are a lot of record labels that need a CD, you shouldn’t expect them to value music that has been done before. Also, be sure to keep your demos as authentic and unique as they can be. Streaming links are preferred by some record labels, while MP3 files are preferred by others. Doing research on the record companies that you are interested in submitting your music to is the most effective strategy to close a major deal.
It might be challenging to persuade people to take attention of your music if you are an independent musician. It is challenging for a new artist to get signed to a major label, and record labels have their own methods for discovering up-and-coming musicians. You absolutely must do your homework and find a way to set yourself apart from the other candidates. Once you’ve discovered a record label that you like, you shouldn’t stop sending your music to them. You won’t have to wait much longer to move forward in the direction of achieving the achievement you’ve been seeing.