Rummy is known as the mother of all modern card games among fan circles. It is in fact one of the most unique card games because of its simple rules yet exciting gameplay. There are quite a few attractive benefits of playing the game.
Winning cash
The biggest and most attractive benefit is of course the possibility of winning cash from the game. With online Rummy games being declared legal in India, playing Rummy for cash is possible online as well. The game is a skill-based game though, in which you have to practice and hone your skills in order to win. Luck is as much of a component of winning as it is in your everyday life.
Developing skills
The game needs a player to have sharp focus, observe opponents’ moves closely without being obvious, count cards as best as one can, and have a strong memory to remember which cards have been in play already. These skills can be developed over time to win consistently in the game. In the process it also helps extend these skills to daily life and in career related aspects. You may even become good at reading other people and their hidden thoughts in social interactions.
Meeting likeminded people
Since the advent of online games, the possibility of playing online Rummy with people from across the world has brought together an international community of players. Playing Online Rummy brings you the opportunity of meeting people who are equally interested in Rummy as you and may have other common interests as well. You can play at the same tables as your online acquaintances or friends every time. Playing with people of your choice even when you don’t know anyone personally has become a possibility now with online Rummy and that means the game is much more fun and entertaining.
Bonding and maintaining touch
Rummy is an age-old game played in Indian families in general and especially on festive family get togethers. It is almost a tradition. This is because it is a perfect game for family bonding and spending quality time together. With online Rummy, keeping the tradition alive with family members has become possible even if they are all spread across the globe.
Passing time
Rummy games can extend into long hours, or even days of gameplay. It is an entertaining way to occupy time with like-minded people and / or family members. Especially during lockdown times when scores of people suddenly had too much time been spent at home and depression levels threatened to rise, a game like Rummy would be a good way to keep yourself engaged and even reap some of the other benefits mentioned above too while doing so.
Rummy is a game full of bonhomie. It is a game that connects and creates a light atmosphere. It is a competitive game yet inspires friendship. It is a game with many benefits. If you want to try your hand at Rummy, sign up on any of our top recommended Rummy platforms now for free and start playing now. You can also find guiding articles on popular sites like Rummy Passion on tips and tricks to play Rummy and strategies to win the game.