Get The Perfect Health-Conscious Pet Products For Your Lovely French Bulldog


Anyone who has a pet, especially a dog-would know how difficult it is to not long for their love in every moment. Just like every other dog, the Frenchie Dog is such a lovely friend to have in the house. Therefore just like for their child, obviously they feel the urge to buy some gorgeous accessories. The most common ones are organic pet clothes, breakaway collars, pet scarves, and numerous others. This is where the obvious choice, ‘’ comes into play.

Brand vision and goals

‘Frenchiestore’ is a brand that shares the vision and love of yours towards your favorite house pooches. They are not just a brand with a lot of pet products to sell. The passion and support they possess for the dogs reflect in their daily media posts and real-life activities.

The French bulldog named ‘Bluenjy’ can be considered the inspiration and motivation behind the company. The French bulldog ‘bluenjy’ is deaf but has developed some special skills to compensate.’Bluenjy’ was the inspiration behind developing the special harness which is more health-conscious.

The special health harness

Frenchiestore has developed a really unique and sophisticated product which is the health harness. It is not just healthy for the dog but also takes care of the emotional turmoil of the Frenchie Dog. The clothing they use is organic and hypoallergic material best suitable for French bulldog.

Recommendation of veterinary doctors

The celebrated veterinarian and founder of ‘VetPet Box’ Dr.Stephanie Malmquist has repeatedly praised Frenchiestore for their healthy harness. She claimed them to be unique and innovative and premium in quality. She titled them to be a necessity for pets who are brachycephalic.

The top categories of ‘Frenchiestore’

The pet products collection in ‘Frenchiestore’ is bound to put any dog owner in absolute awe. Every product is made keeping the health factor in mind which makes the products the favorites of your Frenchie.

Many times people think of products as a little odd which come under the category of health-conscious but the products in ‘Frenchiestore’ are extremely fashionable and irresistible. The top product categories are:

  • Frenchiestore Blankets
  • Health Harness
  • Organic Pet Clothes
  • Leashes
  • Face masks
  • Themed collection of various products
  • Pet scarf


When buying something for the pet people often tend to become extra conscious. They browse a lot more than usual and even spend more. A brand that shares the same love and nature towards dogs can surely be the right choice. Thus health-conscious and valued brands like ‘Frenchiestore’ can never be wrong.

Louis Jones

Greg Jones: Greg's blog posts are known for their clear and concise coverage of economic and financial news. With a background as a financial journalist, he offers readers valuable insights into the complexities of the global economy.